Monday, 13 June 2016

When I was young


When I was young, I used to see marriage as a nice game. It was a wonderful white dress, high heels, a golden bracelet, and a ring surrounding my finger.

I used to see marriage as a nice game. It was a wonderful white dress, high heels, a golden bracelet, and a ring surrounding my finger. It was love that inhabits the heart, a small kingdom where the prince charming will come on his white horse to live with his beloved over the clouds.
When I comprehended matters, I knew that marriage is commitment and responsibility. It is mercy, compassion, rapport, understanding, and respect. It is disclosure, harmony, and disregarding slight mistakes. Earth is its vicinity; it is not the sky. It is not white horses or soft mattresses. All that we have memorized from the movies and the TV series is just illusions

Ramadan...A Turning Point

Ramadan...A Turning Point Publication Date:17 Sha'aban 1437 Ramadan has always been a positive turning point in the lives of many Muslims.
Narrated by Abu Hurairah, May Allah be Pleased with Him said:
أنَّ النَّبيَّ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم صعِد المِنبَرَ فقال: ( آمينَ آمينَ آمينَ ) قيل : يا رسولَ اللهِ إنَّكَ حينَ صعِدْتَ المِنبَرَ قُلْتَ : آمينَ آمينَ آمينَ قال : ( إنَّ جِبريلَ أتاني فقال : مَن أدرَك شهرَ رمضانَ ولَمْ يُغفَرْ له فدخَل النَّارَ فأبعَده اللهُ قُلْ : آمينَ فقُلْتُ : آمينَ ومَن أدرَك أبوَيْهِ أو أحَدَهما فلَمْ يبَرَّهما فمات فدخَل النَّارَ فأبعَده اللهُ قُلْ : آمينَ فقُلْتُ : آمينَ ومَن ذُكِرْتَ عندَه فلَمْ يُصَلِّ عليكَ فمات فدخَل النَّارَ فأبعَده اللهُ قُلْ : آمينَ فقُلْتُ : آمينَ ) (ابن حبان وصححه الألباني)
Interpreation of the Meaning: "The Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) ascended the Minbar (Pulpit) and said: “Ameen, ameen, ameen.” It was said: ‘O Messenger of Allaah, you ascended the Minbar (Pulpit) and said, ‘Ameen, ameen, ameen.” He said: “Jibreel (Peace be upon him) came to me and said: ‘If Ramadaan comes and a person is not forgiven, he will enter Hell and Allah will cast him far away.

You should know this man

Muhammad (P.B.U.H ), the Prophet
You may be an atheist or an agnostic; or you may belong to any of the religious denominations that exist in the world today. You may be a Communist or a believer in democracy and freedom.
No matter who you are, and no matter what your ideological and political beliefs, personal and social habits happen to be. You must still know this man.

The Prophet Muhammad a mercy for all creation

The Prophet Muhammad a mercy for all creation
Indeed, in this [Quran] is notification for a worshipping people. And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad (P.B.U.H)], except as a mercy to the worlds. (Quran: 21:106-107)
Allah's Messenger was the kindest of men in the same way as he excelled all others in courage and valour. Being extremely kind-hearted, his eyes brimmed with tears at the slightest sign of inhumanity. A Companion, Shaddaad bin 'Aws reported the Apostle as saying: "Allah has commanded you to show kindness to everyone, so if you have to kill, kill in a good manner, and if you slaughter an animal, slaughter it gently. If anyone of you has to slay an animal, he should sharpen the blade first and treat the animal well." Ibn 'Abbas relates that a man threw a goat on its side and then started sharpening his knife. When the Prophet saw him he said: "Do you want to kill it twice? Why did you not sharpen the knife before throwing it on the ground?"